Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Random Thought

The musical "The Music Man" came up in conversation over lunch today, and it got me thinking. That musical, to my mind, is one in which a less-than-stellar character (a con man) gets the girl (and he doesn't really seem to repent but rather converts her to scheme with him). "Guys and Dolls," which is from that same genre, also has a similar plot line. So, I was wondering how many stories (true or otherwise) I could think of where a man of character gets the girl. And, at first, I couldn't think of any. Then, I came up with 3:
1. Boaz and Ruth in the Bible
2. Aragon and Arwen in Lord of the Rings
3. Faramir and Eowyn in Lord of the Rings
There are probably more, and if you know of any, feel free to add them in the comments section.


incurable optimist said...

Um, can we count Marius and Cosette, Alladin and Jasmine (pretty much any Disney movie), Buttercup and Westley, and the couple in my favorite book of all time: Michael Hosea and Sarah in "Redeeming Love"? I think there are a lot of times when the good guy gets the girl.

Mr. Pi Thetahead said...

You're right, there are quite a few more. For some reason, my cynical mind couldn't think of any more. I knew that a woman would be able to remember more. Thanks, Betsy! Have a great end to your semester!