Sunday, December 07, 2008

The Fall of America?

In Sunday School class today, one of the side notes focused on what happened to Rome as it began to decay from within. The scary part about the list was that it could easily have been 21st-century America. Now, I'm sure that everyone thinks that his generation is the most wicked and that it will be in his generation that society will collapse. But in this case, I would not be surprised if, within my lifetime, America loses its place as a military and economic superpower. Perhaps that is a good thing. So many other cultures right now try to imitate us, but the view of America that they get is a skewed view based on television and movies. What a horrible legacy to be giving to other countries! Perhaps it is better if we cease to be in such a prominent place, since our entertainment, I fear, is only heading farther into the tank. Of course, I don't expect the barbarians to come storming over the 7th hill any time soon, but I do know that the rest of my life will probably be lived in a society in turmoil. All the more reason that I am going to try to live with the attitude that Paul urges, using "the things of this world as if not engrossed in them" (1 Cor. 7:31).

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