Saturday, September 23, 2006

Rambling: Random Thought

Sometimes, we complain about how a situation is unfair, meaning that we aren't getting what we think we deserve. Perhaps, though, what we mean is that the situation is more fair than we would like. Think about what we deserve. I, in my natural self, am a sinner. I deserve nothing but God's wrath and, ultimately, hell. That there is any good in my life is a testimony to God's mercy. I'm getting what I don't deserve, and if we consider fair as getting what we deserve, then His mercy is decidely unfair, at least in human terms.

Of course, we want that "unfairness" when I come to God for forgiveness. So, why, then, do we complain about how life is unfair in a given situation? Isn't it good that life is unfair? My problem with life sometimes is not that I'm not getting what I don't deserve, but that I'm getting exactly what I deserve. How wonderful God's mercy to us!

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