Saturday, September 30, 2006

Rambling: Anyone Seen My Hand?

So, with Pascal growing to a more typical adult-sized cat, I thought it might be a good idea to see if I could get a special cat harness on her. This is all part of my "clever" plan to be able to allow her to have some time to run around outside under my control and supervision (such as on my deck at the back of my apartment). However, putting a harness on a cat is not easy to do, especially with a cat that loves to attack anything and everything. I set the harness as small as I could, and then attempted to put it on the cat. After numerous bite marks and scratches, as well as some meows of protestation, I managed to get the harness on, only to discover that I had set it too small. :-(

So, with much effort, enduring more bite and scratch marks--and especially more protests--I foolishly tried to adjust the harness while it was on the cat. Not a good idea. Cats don't like having things on them, much less having people mess with stuff that's on them. (Note to self: wear gloves next time...) I was unable to get the harness adjusted correctly. Pascal's neck is just too thin to allow a harness or collar to sit comfortably on right now. So, after about 5 minutes that seemed like 30, I decided to get the harness off her again. I'll try putting it on again once Pascal is older and closer to being fully grown.
Meanwhile, I think all of my limbs are still intact, which in attempting such a foolish task as putting a harness on a cat is always a blessing. More fun is in store, though, as it is time for the application of the monthly flea control potion. The nightmares of doing that by oneself can only be partially understood by the uninitiated, but I've already covered that problem in a previous post.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Awww... Poor Pascal! ;) lol jk