Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Rambling: A Developing Thought

My name is Paco de Goya, and I approved this blog post.
I was thinking about John 8:31-47, where Jesus is in a dispute with the Jews of His day about who their father really is. (Prompting my mind to think immediately of the phrase "Who's Your Daddy?" And then the line from "Remember the Titans" pops into my head between the head coach and the star defensive lineman. But I digress.) Jesus tells the Jews that they are acting just like their (spiritual) father is acting. The Jews, of course, are confused and respond that Abraham is their father.

That's when it gets interesting. Jesus points that they are not behaving as Abraham's children. Rather, they are behaving as children of the devil. Interesting. It makes me wonder (and I may explore this whenever it is that I speak at convocation...) if people look at me, at my life, at the words I say, even the thoughts I think, would it be obvious that God is my Father? As my pastor says sometimes, "That's too convicting."

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