Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Commentary/Rant: Shame on the Capital-Journal

<rant>The Topeka Democrat (err...Capital-Journal) is at it again, attempting to help get Democrats elected by attempting to make Republicans look bad. In this case, they published two articles that revealed details of an internal campaign memo from Attorney General Phil Kline, a Republican. One story is the memo itself. The other story on this memo, however, is clearly spun in such a way as to make Kline seem like an insincere hypocrite, who is merely trying to exploit religion to get elected. I know from personal interaction that nothing could be further from the truth. It's only logical that the memo was stolen from Kline. This shows just how desparate the Democrat party is to gain control of political offices. That the Capital-Journal and the Democrat party would stoop to such a terrible level is quite sad. I can only pray that such tasteless tactics will backfire and that Kline will be re-elected. I know that he has my vote, and the illegal activities of his challenger's campaign should convince anyone who is undecided which candidate in this election will actually uphold the law.</rant>

1 comment:

Mr. Pi Thetahead said...

You're probably right, but it all is very suspicious, especially since Morrison just today started running attack ads against Kline. It looks like a well-choreographed plan. Steal Kline's memo. Attack him from all sides. What a sleazy way to run a campaign.