Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Rambling: So Much for Global Warming!

According to a report released today by the local National Weather Service, this January was Topeka's 2nd warmest on record. The warmest ever was in 1933. While this unusually warm January doubtless will be used by local global warming proponents for months to come, the fact that this type of anomaly has occurred before, back in the Dust Bowl days, undermines pointing to this unusual weather as evidence for global warming. Is there other evidence? In my opinion, yes, there is some, but I am also not convinced of it. And I am qualified to make that judgment; my degree is in Meteorology.

Still, this warm January was close to the record. The average temperature was 41 degrees. The 1933 average was 41.4 degrees. That's warm, considering that a "normal" average high for the month is 39 with an average low of 18. We clearly have had an unusual run of warm weather. Will it end? Or will we just skip winter altogether and head right for Spring? I don't know. I don't make the weather. I don't even predict it much anymore. There is cold air up in Alaska, which is upstream from us. If it moves this way, we could see our temperatures plunge down. For now, I just am grateful to God for such an enjoyable month.

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