Sunday, February 12, 2006

Rambling: Rain Dilemma

Here's a classic dilemma pondered by many math and physics people at the college level. It's raining, and you want to make it from your car to wherever you're headed while staying as dry as possible. Should you run or should you walk?

Human instinct is to run because running decreases the amount of time that you're in the rain. However, running increases the effective rate at which the rain hits you (think about how much harder it seems to be raining when you're driving a car on the highway as opposed sitting still). This increased rate could potentially nullify the benefit from being out in the rain for less time.
So would walking make more sense, then? Maybe, but that does increase the amount of time that you are out in the rain, meaning that you have longer to get wet.
The answer this question can be found using mathematics, but I don't have the time or desire to work on it right now. For now, I welcome your thoughts. If I have a little time, I might try to work out this puzzle.

1 comment:

Mr. Pi Thetahead said...

That's cheating! :-)