Monday, January 30, 2006

Commentary: Yeah!

I was glad to hear today that the Senate rejected petty politics in favor of doing something to help the country. The call for a fillibuster of Judge Alito (made by Senator while he was in Switzerland) thankfully went unheeded by most Senators.

All that remains for the confirmation of Mr. Alito is a vote by the Senate, which will result in his confirmation to the Supreme Court. This confirmation should result in a court that will not be so left leaning. Not that America's deepest problems can be solved by legislative or judicial means.
Americas' true problem can only be solved by God, whom we have slowly removed from our culture and our society. America will only become what so many long for it to be when turn our hearts to Jesus Christ. It is my prayer that such a thing will happen. Otherwise, I fear that we will suffer the same fate as so many of the other declined world powers of previous eras.

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