Sunday, March 07, 2010

Spring Is Here in an Instant

There's something about Kansas that seems to make the appearance of Spring-like weather a predictable, sudden phenomenon. Last week, it was in the 40s, cloudy, and very wintry. Then, by Tuesday of this past week, temperatures had suddenly jumped up to near 60 as the sun shone. It seemed like it was going to be winter for a couple more weeks, and that Spring Break would be cool and decidedly un-Spring-like. Instead, the weather has (almost instantaneously) changed. It is a wonderful change, although it is quite unexpected. I expected there to be more of a transition, with a few sunny days in the 40s. However, I guess that is not the case. We are getting sufficient sunlight, now, that the weather can become far more enjoyable than it has been. It came not a moment too soon, either, since soccer has started again, and nothing is more miserable than cold soccer practices and frigid soccer games. Hopefully, this great weather will continue to be in place over Spring Break. I would love to have the chance to get outside some during my week off.

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