Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Dawn Treader After All!

I just found out earlier today that The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, a project that I had assumed to be shelved indefinitely, is indeed coming to theaters. According to this article in Christianity Today, the movie is scheduled for a December 10, 2010, release. I'm excited to see this book make it to the big screen. I'm also excited that the film makers learned (at least partially) their lesson from the disaster of an adaptation that was Prince Caspian. It sounds like they have done a better job of remaining faithful to Lewis's original work. Since they have done so, I'm excited to see the final product. It's been since the summer that I set foot in a movie theater (May of last year, if my memory is correct), but I'm planning on hitting the theaters to see this one. I'm very much looking forward to it.

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