Sunday, March 22, 2009

Springs Begins, As Does the Weather & Caspian Quiz 23

Astronomically-speaking, Spring began on Friday. As far as the weather goes, I would say that Spring begins tomorrow, with our first real chance of significant severe weather in the region. Unfortunately, the factors all are forecast to be in place tomorrow for some sort of severe weather to occur throughout the Central Plains. From what the Storm Prediction Center has said over the past couple of days, it appears that they think the main threat for significant weather lies just to the south of Topeka (and by just, I mean about 10-15 miles) and then roughly along I-35 down to Oklahoma City. Still, that risk could shift slightly north or south as we draw nearer to Monday and as we see how the weather system evolves. The models have been wrong plenty of times before. Still, it appears that the late afternoon and early evening hours tomorrow could contain some active weather for many living nearby. Hopefully, nothing serious occurs. Severe weather would be a terrible way to start off Spring.

Prince Caspian Quiz 23
49. Which of the following enters Aslan’s How first?
A. Caspian
B. Peter, Edmund, and Trumpkin
C. Peter, Edmund, Susan, and Lucy
D. Peter and Edmund

50. How do the Pevensies find out what Aslan’s How is?
A. They discover the Stone Table on their own
B. Caspian shows them the Stone Table
C. Peter figures it out based on Trumpkin’s description of it
D. The tourist guide to Narnia that they picked up at Beruna tells them

51. How many of the Pevensies visit Aslan’s How?
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4

1 comment:

Mr. Pi Thetahead said...

49. Book: A, Movie: C
50. Book: C, Movie: B
51. Book: B, Movie: D