Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Flu, Spring Break, and Prince Caspian Quiz 22

It's been a beautiful week in terms of weather, so far. I had great plans to get some yard work done, to do some little errands around the house, maybe take a day trip out of town, etc. Unfortunately, those plans were thwarted by a nasty case of the flu. If you haven't had the flu virus that's floating around, let me tell you that it's one nasty bug. I get colds aplenty, about 1-2 times a year, but it's a rare thing for me to get the flu. This time, though, I got it in its fullest: high temperature, body ache, stuffiness, and nausea. By the grace of God, the high fever has vanished, but I'm still not 100% back, yet. It could be another day or two before I'm 100%, and I sure hope so. There's a lot coming down the pike over the next couple of weeks.
The only good thing about getting the flu is that I got it over Spring Break. Now, don't get me wrong. I would have loved to have had a week of rest and relaxation instead of a week of sickness. But if I have to be out for a week, it's far easier on me psychologically to be out on a week when I don't have to do anything than to be shut down on a normal week when I would have 6 classes for which I have responsibility. Still, I'm ready to be up and about, again. I'm sick of being trapped inside the house, and I'd like to get a little bit of real rest prior to the last leg of the marathon sprint that is 4th quarter.

Prince Caspian Quiz 22

46. How does Caspian’s army get weapons? (Choose all that apply)
A. Reepicheep leads a party to raid the Telmarine army at Beruna
B. They make them
C. They find them hidden in Aslan’s How
D. We don’t know

47. How does Caspian feel about Peter?
A. He never meets Peter
B. He both likes and dislikes Peter
C. He sees him as a challenge to his authority
D. He likes him and defers to his authority

48. Who decides that Aslan’s How will be where the Narnian army sets up camp?
A. Peter
B. Caspian
C. Dr. Cornelius
D. We don’t know

1 comment:

Mr. Pi Thetahead said...

46. Book: D, Movie: A, B
47. Book: D, Movie: C
48. Book: C, Movie: D