Sunday, November 16, 2008

Scattered Thoughts

Here are some scattered thoughts on a warm-ish, mostly cloudy Sunday:
--It's been quite a while since I've seen even a hint of snow falling in Topeka this early in the year, and yet, I saw snow flurries Saturday afternoon. It's not an unwelcome sight, although it is a bit surprising.
--Leaves must spontaneously generate, or be attracted to my yard somehow. It seems that I have more leaves in my yard than I have trees to generate them. Raking them will make for a couple of busy afternoons. Thankfully, it looks to be warmer than it was last week.
--My brother's new house is really nice.
--Do what you can. Start where you are. Use what you have.

1 comment:

incurable optimist said...

We had flurries at our last football game! It was exciting, but COLD!