Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Post-election Thoughts

*I had no confidence in the wisdom of the Americans voters. Now, I would say that my confidence is in the negatives, if that's possible. When the majority of Americans identify themselves as conservations and yet go vote for someone whose policies are, at best, left of center, it disturbs me greatly.
*The media won the election for Obama. Don't get me wrong; he ran a great campaign, but he could have run a C- campaign and still won because the media was so infatuated with him that they wouldn't run many negative stories about him. If we ever needed an example of what a sycophant looks like, I think we have found it in this year's media coverage.
*Whoever ran the McCain campaign should be disappointed with himself. The media were obviously against McCain (or at least not for him), and there were questions galore about whether he was young enough for the office. At the same time, his opponent was so far from the center and shifted his positions so constantly that McCain should have easily had the upper hand simply by pointing out the obvious. He didn't, at least not until it was too late.
*I wonder if I should live it up now before my taxes go through the roof in July, or whether I should save like crazy so I actually have a chance of eating something besides Ramen (or however you spell it) noodles for the next 4 years.
*It's interesting that when faced with the choice between 2 almost-identical candidates (Jenkins and Boyda), Kansans will vote for the Republican over the Democrat.
*In the end, I guess it all doesn't matter much. People have lived under far more horrible regimes than any that might occur in the next 4 years, and God ultimately is in control. So, I'm going to keep on doing what I'm doing and adjust to the circumstances as they come.


Anonymous said...

Obama is president and no matter who we voted we should show him respect! God put him into office for a reason.
As far as the media winning the campaign for him, I do not agree. The media reported both the bad and the good of both parties. Well ok it depended on which network you watched(Fox news is not the most reputable). CNN however, gave fair exposure to both candidates.
The McCain campaign failed because the people did not agree with McCain, not because the media was against him.

Anonymous said...

Your taxes aren't going up under Obama unless you're making more than $200,000 a year or you own a business who posts more than $250,000 in annual profit.

Mr. Pi Thetahead said...

I agree that we should respect Obama and the office of President. Respect, however, does not mean that I have to agree with his policies, and based on what he has stated so far, I disagree with him almost across the board.
As far as the media, no, they did not give Mr. Obama the presidency. He ran an excellent campaign and got a huge break when the economy started melting down. But I don't think that he had to work as hard as McCain to get favorable coverage.
As far as my taxes going up, just wait. They will. First of all, Obama is not going to work to keep the Bush tax cuts. As I understand his latest economic plan, that is what he will do. That will cause my taxes to increase without him having to "raise" taxes at all. Second of all, once he has had a chance to assess the financial situation in government, I would not be surprised if he finds himself in a position where he will be forced to raise everyone's taxes in order to come to grips with the current federal deficit. It's simply a matter of time.