Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Post-Debate Thoughts

Some random thoughts after watching the debates last night:
Senator Obama's claim that most small business make less than $250,000 is a bit of a stretch to my mind. Yes, there are a few business that don't have a gross income of over $250,000, but I'd be surprised if 95% of small business gross less than $250,000. As far as profits go, of course, most small business have a net profit far less than $250,000.
Senator McCain just looks old.
Senator Obama is all about style. Whenever he talks, I feel like he's speaking a lie but is doing it eloquently so that he hopes no one will notice.
Senator Obama's "Oh, yeah, me, too" moment on Russia was pretty amusing. After Senator McCain had said what he thought we ought to do about Russia's aggression in Georgia, Obama's first statement was that he agreed with McCain. I wonder what Obama would have said if he went first...
At the end of the debate, Tom Brokaw had an embarrassing moment. When he couldn't see the teleprompter, he didn't know how to end the debate and had to ask the candidates to move by saying, "You guys are blocking my script." It played to every stereotype of news anchors as being incapable of thought because all they do is read off teleprompters. I'm sure that Mr. Brokaw is not that dense, but it was amusing.
And the most sickening part was the post-debate analysis by one columnist from the New York Times. He said that he thought Obama won. When pressed as to why, he gave an answer that was so fawning, I will paraphrase it this way: "Obama's so smooth, so personable, and so likeable, that if I were a woman and he weren't married, I'd want to marry him." It sickens me how much the media seem to obsess over Obama. Listening to the media talk about Obama is a bit like listening to a bunch of groupies at a rock concert.
This election, more than any other, has served to increase my cynicism for the entire political process and for any hope for this country. Like a lot of voters, I really would like a legitimate third option, one that isn't so old he looks like he'll die 2 years into office and one that also doesn't come across as so arrogant that you have to wonder if he's running for President because he loves his country or because he's enjoying the ego boost. Sigh. Oh, well. It's what we've got. It's a good thing that in the end, it is God who is ultimately in control of it all.


Anonymous said...

I think I agree with you on this election, I wish we had a real third option!
McCain does look very old, and he seems far to stiff to be healthy at the debate, but Obama scares me a bit as well.
I'm curious as to your opinion of the vice presidential candidates. What are your thoughts on Palin and Biden?

Mr. Pi Thetahead said...

I really don't have many opinions on either. I didn't see the VP debate, and while Governor Palin's background and credentials seem to be more in line with my own political views, I don't know enough to have much of an opinion.