Sunday, July 06, 2008

Tomorrow it begins

The first of 3 graduate classes that I am taking this summer begins its on-campus phase tomorrow. From my recent perusal of the class roster, there appear to be only 6 of us in class. That is a smaller class than the 10 or so that I had in each of my classes last year. A small class should make for a more enjoyable experience, however, since we'll each have plenty of time to interact with the professor and each other. I'm looking forward to the class, but I also have to admit to feeling a bit of trepidation at the start of this next class. Parker Palmer says that a teacher's biggest fear is being expose as a fake, and I can't help but wonder if that fear is at the core of the timorousness. It definitely will be a time for leaning on God's grace, and I look forward to seeing what God does in the coming week!

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