Wednesday, May 21, 2008

I Didn't Think I Was THAT Old

The other day, I was looking in the mirror, and I noticed one hair that looked out of place. It wasn't that it was heading the wrong direction, like they so often do for me. Nor was it longer than all the rest. Instead, a gray hair stared me in the face. Now, I realize that I'm 30. I realize that I can't stay young forever, but I really didn't expect my hair to start showing any signs of gray until at least 35 or 40.
I did a little research, however, and from what I read, it sounds like the initial gray hairs are not that out of the ordinary for my age. Of course, the part that bothers me is that I'm saying things such as "not out of the ordinary for my age." I'm not that old! I can't be! Wasn't I just 27? And what happened to 25 and 26? College really wasn't that long ago, was it?
So, I should go, now, before these musings develop into a "quarter-life" crisis.

1 comment:

Prince of Spades said...

Bah. I've had gray hair since I was 17!