Wednesday, August 22, 2007

The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe (LWW) Quiz 1

While it doesn't offer anywhere near the number of discrepancies that the Lord of the Rings movies did, there are some differences between LWW in book and movie form. Most of those differences are minor, but I thought it'd be fun to do another little sequence of quizzes, just like I did a year or two ago for the Lord of the Rings books/movies. For each question, you'll be given several options. Answer either according to the movie (for 1 point) or according to the book (2 points). I'll post the answer in a comment each time.

Question 1: How many servants does Professor Kirke have?
a. 0 -- He lives by himself
b. 1 -- Mrs. Macready
c. 2 -- Mrs. Macready and the butler
d. 3 -- Mrs. Macready, Ivy, Margaret, and Betty

Question 2: When do the Pevensie children first meet Professor Kirke?
a. They don't. He stays hidden in his study at all times.
b. On the first day; he welcomes them at the front door.
c. After Lucy and Edmund have both gone through the wardrobe and returned.
d. Right after Lucy has returned from going through the wardrobe the first time.


Mr. Pi Thetahead said...

1. Movie: b; Book: d
2. Movie: c; Book: b

incurable optimist said...

I'm pretty sure it's been too long since I've read that book. I see a new addition to my To-Read list