Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Rant: Media Bias

<rant>I think that I'm going to give up watching television for the next two weeks. Between the blatant liberal/Democrat bias within every news report and the out-of-control (and annoying) political ads, I'm sick of politics and the constant lying and mudslinging.
The national media's evening news is the worst. Here's the basic summary of their newscast:
"Good evening, I'm (insert anchor name here). Our top story tonight: Why Iraq is so horrible, even though it's 98% fine, and why President Bush is an evil ninny-head. After that, we'll give you some biased analysis that will attempt to make it sound like our favorite party, the Democrats, will take control of this country. Then, we'll follow with a poorly-conducted poll that shows that the Democrats will win, you will be assimilated, and resistance is futile." It's frustrating. There's no counter-point and no balanced coverage. It's like it's a no win scenario.
I wish that I could do something. Instead, all I can do is take a deep breath and let God be sovereign. I suppose the worst that could happen is that a bunch of horrible leaders will get elected and that He'll judge this country for its evil ways. Perhaps, though, He will be merciful, which will be my prayer from now until election day, and I'll be praying during every commercial break of the World Series, with the mute mercifully active on my television.</rant>

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