Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Rambling: New Element

It was announced today that scientists in Russia have created a new element, number 118. If confirmed, this new element, which existed for only a millisecond (1 millionth of a second), would be the first man-made noble gas (same group as Helium). This is fascinating to science geeks like me, because it's interesting to see how many protons and neutrons we can possibly cram into a nucleus. The answer now is at least 118 protons. Now, the only question left is what to call the element. Just so the international society in charge of naming elements knows: my name is available for use.

Around the world, the reactions to this discovery have been mixed. North Korea immediately claimed that they have tested this element and will use it in a weapon if they don't get everything Kim Jong Il wants. Iran, meanwhile, claims that they already have developed the element, purely for peaceful purposes (of course). Islamofascists called for an all-out holy war against anyone who wasn't them. And France surrendered.
Locally, political reaction has also been interesting. Governor Sebelius immediately took credit for forcing the scientists back to work when they wanted to give up. Morrison, the AG candidate, immediately blamed the whole thing on his opponent, Kline. And France surrendered.
Thus concludes an interesting day in the wondeful world of science. Up next, finding something useful to do with any of these new elements.

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