Saturday, April 08, 2006

Rambling: Why Am I Here?

Sometimes, I just have to pause and wonder why I am here. Not meaning that I question my purpose for living -- "The chief end of man is to glorify God and enjoy Him forever" (Westminster Catechism). Rather, I sometimes pause and wonder how I wound up exactly at this location, at this point in my life.

How is it that I should be so blessed as to be chosen by God, saved by grace, forgiven of my sins?
How is it that I should be so blessed as to be the one who gets to teach mathematics at Cair Paravel?
How is it that I have the privilege of coaching and refereeing soccer for these past few years?
How is it that I got to travel to Turkey, Germany, and Mexico on mission trips?
How is it that I have such a great family that loves me and cares for me?
To say that God has been gracious and merciful to me is an understatement, for I have deserved none of these things. And even though my life may not be exactly as I want it to be, I take comfort in the fact that it is how God knew it would be and that He is not done making it (or me) into what He wants it to be. I can't wait to see what He does next!

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