Thursday, January 26, 2006

Commentary: Petty Politics

[Double Sigh]. A few of the most liberal members of the US Senate have threatened to filibuster the nomination of Samuel Alito to the Supreme Court. Why they would do so reminds me of just how petty politics has become.

Senators Kerry and Kennedy, in particular, seem determined to block the nominee, calling him an idealogue who will put his bring his own personal political agenda to his job. Why do they think that? I can't judge motives with accuracy, but perhaps it is because they are doing that very thing: putting their own agendas ahead of their jobs as senators to support a well-qualified nominee for the Court. Compare that to Republicans, who put aside their own political agendas to support liberal justices such as Ruth Bader Ginsburg, or even Democrats of a previous era, who supported some Reagan's conservative nominees, and you'll see just how juvenille politics has become.
American politics has degenerated into personal-agenda seeking. Such an approach to politics harkens back to the collapse of the Roman Republic, and unless we wish to suffer that same fate, action needs to be taken to reign in our political leaders. Terms limits sounds like a great idea to me.

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