Monday, July 11, 2005

Story: Colonel Williams, Ch. 5, pt. I

Chapter 5 – Alejandro’s Adventure

Alejandro’s heart raced as he headed back to the center of town. As he walked, an internal debate warred within him. He knew the danger of the action he took. If someone caught him, then nothing Colonel Williams could do would save him. Still, he had to try! He could not leave Maria and Emilia out there, not when he was so close to finding them. Who knew how their owners might be treating them? That thought spurred him onward; he walked faster.
What was he going to do, though? He could not simply walk in and demand to see the files. And even if he did, he could not read English, so how would he know when he had the right ones? And what would he do once he found the right ones? His partially-formed plan was sounding less and less hopeful with each passing moment.
Maybe he should turn around. Maybe it would be better to wait. Colonel Williams was a resourceful man, he reminded himself, and he might come up with a good plan. Yet they had been so close! Just inches away from them had been the very information they needed, their path to it blocked by a recalcitrant villain. To Alejandro, that man had the only key that would open the door to seeing his loved ones again. He had to see those files! It was a risk, but he had to find a way to do so without Johnson catching him.
How? He racked his mind to try to find a plan, but nothing came to mind. He could wait all day outside of the market, and Johnson might never leave. A horrible thought occurred to Alejandro – What if he lived there? Besides, his mind argued, Colonel Williams would not be that long at the courthouse and would come looking for him when Williams found the judge’s office empty. What were the odds that he would have a chance to get in?
Suddenly, Alejandro found himself approaching the market. He had thought so long that he had walked back to the slave market without realizing it. He now had one last chance to turn around. He did not take it. Approaching the front of the market with caution, Alejandro heard the town clock strike noon.
As the echoes of the twelfth stroke faded away, Alejandro heard footsteps walking across the inside of the market. Alejandro quickly hid himself in the space between the buildings. Just as he managed to hide himself, Johnson emerged from the market. Pulling the main gate shut and locking it with a strong iron chain and pad lock, he slid the key into his pocket and sauntered down the street.
Alejandro had his chance. He tried the gates, but they were securely fastened. Roaming through the alley to the back of the building, he noticed three sets of windows set in the back wall. Perhaps one of them was unlocked.
He tried the first one, but it was shut tightly. Moving to the second, pushed tentatively on it, and it moved slightly. It was unlocked! He pushed it the rest of the way open. He could clearly see the inside of Johnson’s office. This is exactly what he had hoped for. He began to climb in the window.


incurable optimist said...

My thoughts as I read this:
1) this story is very exciting.
2) in the second paragraph, it says "What was going to do..." and it probably should be "What was he going to do..."
3) Alejandro is a very impatient man, albeit for a good reason.
4) recalcitrant is a cool word.
5) in the future will any town clocks be digital?
6) having the second window be unlocked instead of the third was a good idea.
7) could Alejandro have previously been addicted to fried chicken and will now be unable to fit through the window?

Ansen Bayer said...

I'm sorry that this doesn't have anything to do with your story but...

I'm missing a TI-83 Plus and can't find it and therefore still don't have my gradecard. The paper says that I have to find it or pay $100. But, I would like to know if a third option is a possibility. Could I buy one that is used but still in perfect working condition (and very good cosmetic condition as well) myself off of Ebay for $40 and turn that in? I would still be satisfying the school's demands and also saving myself $60??

Or would this be a question for the school office?