Saturday, April 09, 2005

Rambling: Soccer, Ducks, and Random Thoughts

This past week has been awash with soccer activity. I've refereed and coached in numerous games. As much as I love soccer, I think I'm starting to tire of it. Good thing that I will have a week off coming up soon. Today's games were enjoyable, even the first game, which had a foul committed about every 5 minutes. The two teams decided that they were more interested in beating on each other than playing soccer. That certainly keeps a referee on his toes.
On the lighter side of things, I just read an article that a duck has decided to set up a nest in, of all places, a pile of mulch next to tree beside the Treasury Department in Washington, DC. I wonder if it has a permit to do that? :-)
A few random thoughts to close out the week:
--Being strict is not the same as being mean.
--The Gospel should take precedence in my life, yet it often doesn't.
--Kansas voters got it right on Tuesday when they passed an amendment to the state constitution that defined marriage as between one man and one woman. For now, the institution of marriage is a little better protected. Now, the next problem is the insanely-high divorce rate...
--How high will gas prices have to get before Americans get wise enough to buy fuel-efficient vehicles and switch to alternative fuels? How long before we have a hydrogen economy instead of a petroleum economy?
--Einstein was wrong. There is something that moves faster than the speed of light. It is a rumor. :-)


Anonymous said...

How about some more poetry??

Anonymous said...

You're not really strict... and you're definitely not mean. You are fair... which is a good thing. Unless, of course, you're the person getting the "fair" end of the deal... which I don't think you ever are...? Hm... :)

Anonymous said...

I disagree with the second post: I think you're getting moody about all of us annoying students who are innocently looking forward to tours and summer. So just chill. Don't turn yourself into our least favorite person in the world. You can enforce the rules without becoming scarily strict (is "scarily" a word?). After all, we're just teenagers (that means we are automatically against any form of authority). So, I repeat, just chill!

Mr. Pi Thetahead said...

About the whole strict/mean thing:
I was thinking in terms of refereeing soccer, not in terms of teaching.
I assure you that I'm not trying to turn my classroom into a police state.

Anonymous said...

(second poster) lol, soccer. and that's why I don't play! :) By the way, third poster, that's rather nasty, don't you think? And most untrue, as some teenagers like authority figures... hard to fathom, I know.

Anonymous said...

ok first i don't have any idea how many anonymous people there are but this is a totally different one. anyway it was not fair when you gave me a demerit for writing notes when it was actually two totally different people. I WAS NOT INVOLVED!

Anonymous said...

Lol, you guys. I don't think this is the right place to unload all your complaints. Do it to his face or not at all. But to the third poster: I know who you are and I laughed really hard when I read that. : )

Mikethelawstudent said...

Whoa thats all very funny, so how do you feel about all these anonymous posting siedel? And yeah any teenagers who like authority are wierd. But thats ok.