Sunday, May 03, 2009

Last Caspian Quiz

Because I won't be posting on Wednesday, here are today's post and Wednesday post in one massive bundle. This is the last quiz that relates to the differences between Prince Caspian the book and Prince Caspian the movie. I hope you've enjoyed the quizzes. If not, then they're gone after this post.

85. Why do the Pevensies go through the door? (Choose as many as apply)
A. They are fleeing angry Telmarines
B. It’s time for them to return home
C. They see their mom and dad on the other side
D. To show the Telmarines that it’s safe to go through the door

86. What happens as the Pevensies say goodbye to the Narnians?
A. The wave goodbye and wish everyone good luck
B. The sing a farewell song to the different Narnians, recounting the deeds of each
C. They say farewell to the different Narnian animals, then to Trumpkin, and finally Caspian offers Susan her horn back. She tells him to keep it.
D. Peter gives Caspian his sword, Susan points out that she and Peter won’t be returning, Lucy hugs Trumpkin, and then Susan and Caspian *snog!*

87. How do the Pevensies wind up back in their original clothes?
A. They quickly change in the train depot’s washroom after returning
B. The change into them before the go through the doorway
C. They magically are wearing them when they arrive on the train platform again
D. They don’t

88. What do the Pevensies see when they walk through the door? (Choose all that apply)
A. The train platform
B. The Narnians
C. The island of Telmar
D. The director

89. Where is the train platform located?
A. We don’t have any idea
B. In a city
C. In the country
D. Beside a river

90. Where is Edmund when he realizes that he left his new torch (flashlight) in Narnia?
A. On the train
B. In the bathroom
C. At school
D. On the train platform

1 comment:

Mr. Pi Thetahead said...

85. Book: B, Movie: B, D
86. Book: C, Movie: D [This change was my least favorite of all, even more than the castle attack sequence, but that's a diatribe for a later time]
87. Book: B, Movie: C
88. Book: A, B, C; Movie: A
89. Book: C, Movie: B
90. Book: D, Movie: A