Sunday, April 12, 2009

This Joyful Eastertide

Easter has to be my favorite holiday of the year. Now, I've explained why in previous year's blog posts, so I'll simply leave my observations to this one statement: Christ is risen!

Prince Caspian Quiz 29
67. When does Miraz’s army arrive around Aslan’s How?
A. After the Pevensies arrive
B. At the same time as the Pevensies
C. Before the Pevensies arrive
D. They never get there

68. Why do Susan and Lucy leave Aslan’s How?
A. They have had enough of fighting
B. They never go to Aslan’s How, but instead follow Aslan on another errand
C. To go find Aslan in the forest and get his help
D. They plan to go to Cair Paravel

69. Who suggests the idea of single combat with Miraz?
A. Peter
B. Edmund
C. Reepicheep
D. Caspian

1 comment:

Mr. Pi Thetahead said...

67. Book: C, Movie: A
68. Book: B, Movie: C
69. Book: A, Movie: D