Sunday, April 05, 2009

If You Don't Like the Weather...

The old saying, "If you don't like the weather in Kansas, wait 30 minutes, and it'll change" has never been more true than these past couple of weeks. We've had several strong cold fronts push through the region in that time, causing temperatures to fluctuate rapidly. It's April, and yet here I am planning on covering many of my plants up tonight to prevent them from freezing. Lows are supposed to be in the 20s these next two nights.
In reality, we were spoiled during the early part of this decade with warm Springs. These past couple of years, however, we're seeing a return to more typical weather. It's not odd, or unusual, or alarming. But it does take some getting used to.

Prince Caspian Quiz 27
61. What event motivates Nikabrik to suggest summoning the White Witch?
A. He is bored
B. Several days of resounding defeats of the Narnian army
C. Because she told him to call her
D. The failed attack on Miraz’s castle

62. When is the bridge at Beruna completed?
A. Well before the Pevensies even arrive back in Narnia
B. While the Pevensies and Trumpkin try to get to Aslan’s How
C. After the failed castle attack by the Narians
D. It is never built

63. When is Miraz crowned king?
A. Immediately after his son is born
B. Before the story begins
C. Right before attacking Caspian’s army at Aslan’s How
D. He is never crowned king

1 comment:

Mr. Pi Thetahead said...

61. Book: B, Movie: D
62. Book: A, Movie: C
63. Book: B, Movie: C