Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Prince Caspian Quiz 30

70. Who manipulates Miraz into accepting the challenge of single combat?
A. No one
B. Edmund
C. Edmund, Lord Gozelle, and Lord Sopespian
D. Lord Gozelle and Lord Sopespian

71. What does Susan say to Caspian as she and Lucy leave to find Aslan?
A. She doesn’t meet Caspian until right at the end of the story, so nothing
B. “Why don’t you hold onto it [the horn]? You may need to call me again.”
C. “You’re an arrogant little prince, aren’t you?”
D. “For some reason, you remind me of Zorro.”

72. What does Caspian do during the single combat?
A. He makes his plans for leading the army in case Peter dies
B. He follows Susan and Lucy and saves them from Telmarine scouts
C. He sneaks around behind Miraz’s army to launch a sneak attack
D. He watches the single combat

1 comment:

Mr. Pi Thetahead said...

70. Book: D, Movie: C
71. Book: A, Movie: B
72. Book: D, Movie: B