Sunday, February 08, 2009

Stimulus Plan and Prince Caspian Quiz 11

I'm not an economic expert, and I don't know exactly what it will take to bring our struggling economy back into shape, except maybe time. I'm not convinced that a massive amount of government spending, which is still over 50% of the current stimulus plan, is the answer. Any spending that the government does will have short-term effects at best. Once the public works projects and other infrastructure improvements are done, the workers that were employed will be unemployed again, unless the private sector begins to hire more workers, again. The private sector will only start to hire workers, though, when it can afford to. Right now, the current situation is one where companies are not hiring. Clearly, something needs to be done to try to find a way to encourage businesses to hire. I don't know what that something is. Lowering tax rates on businesses would, in theory, give businesses the extra capital to make infrastructure improvements and hiring more workers. In practice, though, we've seen some of the stupid things that businesses have done with their excess capital: insane executive pay and benefits, luxury items like private jets, etc. In the end, the best thing to do, to my mind, is to let the economy correct itself. I realize that such a laissez faire approach to the situation will look like apathy on the part of politicians, so there is little hope that they will take a hands-off approach. They want to be able to say, "Look what I did!" to their constituents. The danger, of course, in trying to do something to fix the economy is that 2 years from now, the economy might still be struggling because of the interventions of government. Then, the constituents of these politicians might well be the ones saying, in frustration, to their representatives, "Look what you did!"

Prince Caspian Quiz 11
21. What are Caspian’s first words to the Narnian creatures?
A. “If we’re taking a vote, I’m with him.”
B. “Could I have some of that soup, please?”
C. “Gentlemen, whatever you do to me, I hope you will be kind to my poor horse.”
D. “Hey, Trufflehunter, Wisconsin called. They want their mascot costume back.”

22. What does Caspian do first when he regains consciousness?
A. He lays in bed, dazed, and Trufflehunter gives him something to drink
B. He gets out of bed and tries to fight his way out of the wave with a fireplace poker
C. He breaks into a song and dance number
D. He counts his fingers to make sure that he doesn’t have a concussion

1 comment:

Mr. Pi Thetahead said...

21. Book: C, Movie: A
22. Book: A, Movie: B