Sunday, February 01, 2009

February & Prince Caspian Quiz 9

February. Bah. Humbug.
Okay, so I'm exaggerating, but of all of the months of the year, February always seems to be the one I least look forward to. It's not that good things don't happen in February, and it's not that I don't enjoy myself during this month. I just have to work a little harder at it in order to survive this shortest of months, which Gilbert and Sullivan referred to as a "beastly month." There are several factors that work together to create this challenge.
First, this month features the celebration of things that are not really worth celebrating. I think February ought to be designated "National Month Month" because it seems like (although it's not true) that the majority of the "National __________ Months" are all in February. Some are worthy of celebration, like National Black History Month, but most, such as National Boost-Your-Self-Esteem Month and National Canned Food Month, are hardly laudatory.
Second, this month features a holiday that I, as a meteorologist, dislike: Groundhog Day. If you've ever seen the movie of the same name and remember the scorn poured on the "holiday" by Phil Connors, then you'll know about how I feel, although with less disdain and cynicism. (Besides, there's always this nagging fear in the back of my mind that I'm going to get stuck in an endless cycle of living the same day over and over again. [grin])
Third, this month is often the coldest month of the year, and, since I know that Spring is right around the corner, it seems like one of the longer months of the year. With warmer weather looming, the anticipation makes time seem to come to a crawl.
Finally, this month contains February 14th, enough said.
Like I said, those are all reasons that February is a hard month for me to enjoy. That doesn't mean that I won't enjoy it, however. I'm determined to persevere through these annoyances and live my life enjoying the blessings that God has given me, now that I've vented a little about some of the minor annoyances.

Prince Caspian Quiz 9
17. What are Trumpkin’s first words to the Pevensies?
A. “Drop him?! That’s the best you could come up with?”
B. “Next time, try shooting them before they drop me in the water, ok, missy?”
C. “Well, whatever they say, you don’t feel like ghosts?”
D. “Where’s Legolas?”

18. How do the Pevensies convince Trumpkin that they are indeed the old Kings and Queens of Narnia? (Choose as many as apply)
A. Edmund beats Trumpkin in a sword fight
B. Susan beats Trumpkin at an archery contest
C. Lucy heals Trumpkin’s wounds with her cordial
D. Peter gives Trumpkin a tour of Cair Paravel

1 comment:

Mr. Pi Thetahead said...

17. Book: C, Movie: A
18. Book: A, B, C; Movie: A