Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Rain and Cool Weather

I could comment in detail on the Presidential election and the games that the media and the Democrats are playing by trying to slander John McCain's choice for VP. But I won't. I don't care. I'm sick of Presidential politics right now and all the stupid games that both parties are playing so that it's nearly impossible to discern the truth.
Instead, I'm going to focus on the wonderful, unseasonable weather that we have here in Topeka. The temperature is not even 60 degrees, and light rain has been falling on and off all day. The cool temperatures are courtesy of a cold front that pushed through yesterday afternoon, but the rain is courtesy of the remnants of Hurricane Gustav. So, the end result is a wonderful, late-October-type day that is perfectly suited for running. And that's what I plan to do, go out and enjoy a nice, relaxing jog without worrying about how long it takes me. And no matter who is elected President, they won't be able to take that away from me!

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