Sunday, January 20, 2008

Political Ponderings

I have wondered for weeks why Sam Brownback, a conservative Republican, endorsed the more moderate John McCain for President. It seems that McCain's political views would be at odds with Brownback's own. A recent analysis I read from Bob Beatty (found here at the Topeka Capital-Journal Online) perhaps partially explains Brownback's endorsement. In the piece, Beatty points out that nationally, McCain is the only Republican candidate who has favorable numbers against Obama and Clinton, the two Democrat front-runners. Now, I am not a huge fan of McCain's politics, and I am not huge on the idea of him being President. But I am even less in favor of one of the Democrats in office. I really don't want higher taxes, a bigger government, and disastrous social values. That is, after all, part of why the current Republican regime has frustrated me so much: they've spent like Democrats.
So, given that he appears to be the most likely candidate to win a general election, McCain is getting a second look from me. I'll need to do a little more digging before I am convinced that I can comfortably support him. I know, though, that I would rather support him than Obama, and I would rather live in Myanmar than vote for Clinton. It will be interesting to see if McCain can win the Republican nomination. Now, if only the process would start a couple of months later so I don't have to deal with all of this for NINE MORE MONTHS! >:-(

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