Sunday, September 23, 2007

LWW Quiz 8

15. Where are the Pevensies and Beaver when he tells them Aslan is on the move?
a. In the forest
b. In his house
c. On the way to his house
d. He doesn’t

16. What do Peter, Susan, and Lucy do once they notice that Edmund has left the Beaver’s house?
a. They do nothing, thinking he’s gone out to get some more fish
b. They run after him and see him enter the White Witch’s castle from a distance
c. They immediately set off to meet Aslan at the Stone Table
d. Peter breaks out into a long poem about Arwen…I mean…never mind…


Mr. Pi Thetahead said...

15. Movie: b; Book: a
16. Movie: b; Book: c

incurable optimist said...

I literally laughed out loud when I read 16d. Hee hee. Funny stuff, mixing Lewis and Tolkien. You know you may be excommunicated from CP for that...