Thursday, September 06, 2007

LWW Quiz 4

7. The Pevensies play hide and seek. Who is it?
a. Peter
b. Edmund
c. Susan
d. Lucy

8. Under what circumstances does Edmund follow Lucy into the Wardrobe?
a. While playing hide and seek
b. While exploring the house with Lucy
c. He doesn’t
d. At night while following Lucy to see what she’s up to


Mr. Pi Thetahead said...

7. Movie: a; Book: c
8. Movie: a; Book: a

incurable optimist said...

Hi, Seidel! To answer your question...
Best thing: hanging out with Kaitlin and Nicole, and when we baked cookies.
Worst thing: the frustratingly boring classes, and when a boy rolled his eyes at my purity ring.
I miss everyone! If you see any of the people I used to hang out with, you can tell them I'm pining away for them. I tell them on Facebook, but they should have it like an alarm in their heads: BETSY MISSES YOU!!!!! BETSY MISSES YOU!!!!!