Sunday, September 30, 2007

LWW Quiz 10

19. How many wolves chase the Beavers and Pevensies as they leave Beaver’s house?
a. 0
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4

20. Under what conditions do they meet Father Christmas?
a. He pops down the Beaver’s chimney.
b. He stops by the cave where they have stopped for the night.
c. They are fleeing towards the Stone Table when he overtakes them on the edge of some woods.
d. He is in Aslan’s camp near the Stone Table


Mr. Pi Thetahead said...

19. Movie: d; Book: a
20. Movie: c; Book: b

incurable optimist said...

Ooh, so close. I find it odd that, now that I'm free from the land of Narnia, this trivia seems vitally important. Could it be that I miss CP? Uh, duh...
I'm coming to school October 12th, and I hope to come visit class.