Friday, July 20, 2007

Startling Statistic (If It's True)

In a Topeka Capital-Journal article from today, the following disturbing statistic is mentioned: in Kansas last year, there were 11,221 abortions. I find that number a bit hard to believe. How could there be that many? That is approximately equivalent to the entire city of Atchison dying in a single year. What are we doing to our society? If this statistic is true, then we are in serious trouble in this country. I hope for the sake of our country that this is a misprint and that the real number is 1,221. While that is still 1,221 too many abortions, it is much less depressing.


incurable optimist said...

On a project I did, I read 40% of abortions are women who have had them before, but that's still an insane amount of women who couldn't find a better way to take care of their unborn children. Has no one heard of adoption?

Mr. Pi Thetahead said...

That would explain the large number of abortions, if you have women getting them repeatedly. Perhaps the problem is not only one of unwillingness to go through adoption as it is not making a simple decision to avoid getting pregnant in the first place...

incurable optimist said...

Well, the world is getting much more corrupt in its acceptance of premarital sex. It makes me fear what sort of guys I'll be meeting in and after college.

Mr. Pi Thetahead said...

You'll meet quite the range, I'm sure. And, knowing you, will manage yourself quite well in a God-honoring way to the best of your ability. (Although if you have to slap one or two, you have my permission.) :-)

incurable optimist said...

And, if they ask me why I thought I could slap them, I can tell them my high school math teacher told me I could?

Mr. Pi Thetahead said...

That, or you could quote Ecclesiastes 9:10 "Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might..." :-)

incurable optimist said...

Nah, he might use it later in life for spousal abuse. I don;t want to unleash that upon the world.

Mr. Pi Thetahead said...

Good point... :-)