Sunday, July 29, 2007

Home Sweet Home

After three weeks, I have finally been able to get back home to enjoy the new house. While I was gone, my family did some remodeling of the bathroom (as a birthday present). This work was much-needed, as you know if you've seen the pictures at Yahoo! photos. I've included a new set of what the house looks like with stuff moved in and mostly put away. A couple of pictures of the re-done bathroom are there as well. Look in the "House Remodel" album. It's great to be back in Topeka, and I'm looking forward to switching gears back to being a teacher instead of a student. I'm not ready, yet, for school, but I am ready to get to work on school-year preparations.


incurable optimist said...

Hi, Seidel! Haven't seen you in mucho tiempo! New home, awesome, does Pascal like it? You should be pleased to know that I tested out of college math without even taking a test... although that sounds impossible, it's actually true... I posted on your Harry Potter post, too...

Mr. Pi Thetahead said...

You testing out of college math does not surprise me at all, Miss "A in Calculus." I'm sure that they saw your grade, saw that you went to Cair Paravel, and waived your math requirement. (Okay, at least 1 of those first two...) I don't know if Pascal likes the house or not, yet. I've had some work to do here, so I've left her over at my parents house, hanging out with two other cats: my parents' and my sister's.

incurable optimist said...

I also commented on Birthday and Summer Begins, if that means anything to you...

incurable optimist said...

woah, freaky, there you are

Mr. Pi Thetahead said...

Last full day of "vacation" for me. Prep work for the school year starts tomorrow.

incurable optimist said...

You partier, you...

Mr. Pi Thetahead said...

What can I say? People tell me all the time that I need to take life more seriously and act my age...wait... :-)

incurable optimist said...

Hey, you haven't heard my cat story! Three of our cats had kittens, two of them had theirs a day apart. So, for a couple of months, we had 21 cats at our house! 20 outside, though, we're not total cat freaks... Now, I think we have 6 or 7. And 2 toms showed up yesterday, so... we do have a very prolific female...

Mr. Pi Thetahead said...

21 cats! Zoikes, that's a lot! You do have a female that is a kitten-producing machine. That's probably useful to have around the farm, though.

incurable optimist said...

Yeah, I haven't seen a live mouse in ages.
By the way, "Zoikes," really?

Mr. Pi Thetahead said...

Yes, 21 cats to a suburbanite like me merits a "Zoikes!" I think more than one cat around a time is quite a few... But having that many cats and kittens would do wonders in controlling the mouse population.

incurable optimist said...

Well, the inside one doesn;t do anything, the outside ones have to make up for it. Once Jennie just watched a mouse run across the floor. Her expression read, "How dare that creature not lay itself before me to devour it!"

Mr. Pi Thetahead said...

That sounds like a house cat, all right!

incurable optimist said...

Well, she is the queen of the world, after all.