Sunday, April 15, 2007


It was such a nice day that I opened up my apartment to the outside air. As a result of having only the screen door open, I could see and hear what was going on outside. The birds were making a ton of noise, and none were noisier than a couple of sparrows (I think they were sparrows) that landed on my deck. There were two, one of which I think was a male because it was brighter-colored. The other one (the female?) landed and spent about ten minutes chirping away happily while the other (the male?) just sat there. It was almost like they were checking out my deck to see if it was a good place to build a nest. Regardless of what they were doing, they got my cat's attention. After tensely listening to the chirping for a while, she started chirping back and hopped off of my lap and ran to the screen door, wanting to get the birds but not sure how to get to them. If you have never heard a cat "chirp" at birds, it is one of the funniest sounds you will ever hear. Perhaps one of these days, I can record a bit of the sound and post it up here.

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