Friday, December 01, 2006

Commentary: "Huricane" Season

It's official. The 2006 hurricane season is now officially over. Yesterday was the final day, and the NOAA forecast that this season would be significantly above average in terms of activity and severity has been a bigger bust than Ryan Leaf was for the San Diego Chargers.

Why the error? One simple reason: we are not God. We don't control the weather. We don't even fully understand it, which makes it hard for us to forecast conditions even 24 hours in advance. So, as the media attempts to bring us more doom and gloom forecasts about out of control global warming, we need to keep in mind that these forecasts could be just as easily in error as the hurricane forecast was this year.


Pureblood Prince said...

ever consider delving into meteorology as a job? since its your major and all i thought i'd ask...

Mr. Pi Thetahead said...

I did think about it throughout my college career. I finally came to the realization that God was leading me in a different direction. It all came down to the fact that I loved the weather but I didn't like meteorology.