Saturday, December 09, 2006

Commentary: Absurd Iran

Iran is at it, again. This time, they are preparing to host a conference on whether or not the Holocaust took place. The conference, which will take place tomorrow and Monday, is somewhat akin to Satan holding a conference on the existence of God. Do all of these highly-educated political experts really believe the drivel that they are spouting? I don't think so. If there were a Nobel Prize for Most Disingenuous Conference, this one would win it hands down. The Holocaust is one of the most well-documented events in modern history, and the attendees at this conference know it. They are choosing instead to pretend that they don't know for the sake of justifying their own political agenda.

Basically, I think that Iran is looking to gather a group of yes men who will provide it with "legitimacy" in attacking Israel (especially once Iran gets nuclear weapons) and attempting to wipe it off the map to reclaim "Muslim" lands. Of course, this ignores that the fact that Israel occupied those lands long before Islam existed and that the Muslims swept in nearly 1000 years after the Jews had been driven from the region by Rome.
So, as the absurdity continues in the Middle East occurs, I pray that our political leaders in this country take notice of the irrational behavior they're witnessing and develop appropriate policies for handling the situation. These countries will not behave in the same ways that the Soviet Union did. Our policies need to change to reflect this.

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