Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Rambling: Bad Dream?

Have you ever had one of those dreams where you know it's a bad dream, but all you can remember when you wake up is the part that isn't bad?

Sorry, my cat stepped on the numeric keypad. Anyway, in this case, I had this horrible bad dream, but all I can remember about it is that the light switches in my apartment weren't working right. The light switch for the bedroom turned on the hall lights. The light switch in the hall turned on the bedroom lights. The whole dream had this eerie, evil feel to it. Then, being disturbed by the dream, I woke up and was freaked out because my clock read "2:22". Now, why I was scared of the number 222, I have no idea. But at two in the morning after a nightmare, I think any number besides 37 would be scary to me.
Anyway, it was one of those weird experiences that I hope I never have to repeat. If you can't relate, and you just think I'm strange, fine. So there. Thank you; good night.

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