Sunday, May 07, 2006

Rambling: Dreams/Goals

People often associate having dreams and goals with being a teenager. It's the kids who are expected to have huge dreams for the future. Yet, even at 28, closing in on 29, I still dream.

I dream of owning a house.
I dream of earning a master's degree.
I dream of doing better as a teacher, coach, and referee.
I dream of leading short-term mission trips from my church.
I dream of being a radical man of God who effectively shares the Gospel in word and deed.
I dream of being married and having a family.
Is it childish to still have dreams? I don't think so. God continues to allow me to have goals and dreams in order to keep me headed in the direction that He wants me to go. Without some sense of where to go, I would stagnate, content to be where I am. And while I like where I am, I know that God has more in store for me in the future, especially in eternity, which I will get to spend with Christ.
So, I will let God work in my heart and mind to shape these dreams to fit His purpose for my life. But I will not abandon even the seemingly most impossible dream until He makes it clear that I should.

1 comment:

B. D. Mooneyham said...

Hey, even as an old man, Don Quixote was still "dreaming the impossible dream."

Plus, dreams, like hope in Hebrews, can be an "anchor for the soul."