Sunday, May 21, 2006

Commentary: Slanted News

Once again, the media are at work trying to get another Democrat elected to Congress by attempting to create a scandal out of nothing. A recent example is an article in the Topeka Capital-Journal. This attack piece on Representative Ryun is presented as a news piece. Nothing could be further from the truth.

The article is really just another attempt by the anti-Republican media to attack a representative who does not agree with their values. Throughout the article, the author betrays his bias by slanting his description of the facts. For example, he goes to great lengths to try to point out that the house was never listed with a real estate agent. (Question: what's wrong with that?) Another example, he insinuates that Representative DeLay bought Ryun's influence by contributing to Ryun's campaign. The author's reasoning? Ryun voted with delay 94% of the time. This is shoddy reasoning. Of course Ryun would vote with DeLay frequently. They're both from the same party and share many of the same core ideals. The author's raising the issue is nothing short of a smear on Rep. Ryun. Overall, the article is cynical about Mr. Ryun, slanted against him in every way. The contempt of the author practically bleeds through the page.
I am disappointed in the Topeka Capital-Journal for running such an unprofessional article that is really nothing more than propoganda for the Democrat party. They should know better, and they should be ashamed of such blatant political manipulation.

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