Thursday, May 19, 2005

Pondering: What Right Have I?

Here's a random thought that I had as I was thinking about my reaction to some of the things that didn't go the way I wanted them to go the other day.
You see, I was upset when circumstances didn't turn out the way I wanted them to. I was angry because I wasn't getting my way. I was asking myself, "Why aren't things going my way? Why are all of these things going wrong?"
Now, here's the question I'm pondering, and you can react to this or correct me if you wish -- who am I that anything in the world should go my way? Am I God? Did make the world? After all, but by the grace of God and Christ's death on the cross, would I not still dead in my sins and on the way to hell?
I think I'm thinking rightly there. After all, it's easier to thank God for even the littlest blessings when one stops to consider that even those are undeserved. And it certainly is a humble reminder that the universe does not revolve around me.
And that's the pondering of the week/month/year. I welcome any thoughts.


incurable optimist said...

You had better not be talking about your Worlds of Fun trip, because everything goes your way in that place. I know, I know, except for the fact that "She" wasn't there... HAHA, I am SO funny! And Seidel, why aren't you commenting? HUH?! HUH?! HUH?!... Huh?

Mr. Pi Thetahead said...

I wasn't talking about Worlds of Fun. Actually, it was about some stuff that happened after I got back.