Sunday, July 04, 2010

Happy 4th of July!

Today is an exciting day in American history! It was on this date in 1776 that we officially adopted the Declaration of Independence, marking our separation from Great Britain as a separate nation. While the Declaration probably wasn't fully signed until August, the Declaration itself lists July 4th as the date of the Declaration. It is a convenient date to use to commemorate the founding of the United States of America.
I have to take a moment to praise and thank God for the blessings I have of living in America. From the resources to the political, economic, and religious freedom with which we as a nation have been blessed, thank you, Lord!
Bashing America has become fashionable. While it is true that as a country, America has never fully lived up to its ideals, it is still not right to focus solely on the mistakes made by us. Yes, as a country, we have done evil. Yet we have also done good. From World War II to humanitarian aid to economic development, the United States has done much good in this world.
So, at least for one day, let's forget about the problems of the country and celebrate what has been done well for 234 years. Tomorrow, the problems will still be there, and we can do our best to solve them then.

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