Sunday, December 20, 2009

American Society Is Falling Apart

I fear for American society. The moral core of our society, and its sense of decency, has withered after 50+ years of atheism/moral relativism in the schools, our movies, our television shows, and our music.
This article from the Associated Press demonstrates how much morality, common sense, and decency have disappeared from the American social mindset.
At a co-ed dorm at a college in Vermont, a female student is suing the school because there are problems being caused with co-ed bathrooms in the dorms. The sad part is more than that the suit is necessary. It is that the college didn't think that there would be any problem with complete strangers sharing a unisex bathroom. Talk about an awkward situation, not to mention a situation for all sorts of sexual impropriety.
We've spent so many years trying to provide "equal rights" for women that we forget that men are not women and that women are not men. We've taught our kids that men and women are the same except for social conditioning. As a result, the concepts of modesty (in language and in dress), propriety, and decency seem to have vanished from American society.
To save American society, the best solution is to turn around. We need to find a way to restore the moral base that undermined society in the past. Admittedly, many did not follow it perfectly, but that moral base was better than nothing. That will only happen if as a society, we turn back (perhaps turn to would be a better phrase) to Jesus Christ and trust Him. Nothing short of that will solve the problems that face our society.

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