Monday, November 30, 2009

Moving Screens

A day late on this one...sorry.
I went to the KSU-IUPUI game on Saturday, and one thing I noticed, as I have in the last couple of years while watching college basketball, is the number of moving screens that are not called. And I'm not talking the borderline ones, either, where I guy is just barely stopped before a player runs into him. I'm talking about an offensive player "posting up" on a defender at the top of the key. In the KSU-IUPUI game, for example, I saw at least 3 blatant moving screens.
It's amazing that referees aren't cracking down on some of these blatant violations of the rules. Players are practically blocking like in football at times, and nothing is being called. I realize that every year the NCAA has points of emphasis that it wants referees to focus on, in order to improve the quality of the game. Given the prevalence of times it occurs in a game, I would think that the NCAA would ask its officials to keep an eye out for it. Hopefully, the NCAA will do just that, and if the NCAA doesn't, perhaps the referees will watch out for it of their own accord.

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