Sunday, November 15, 2009

Colder Weather Attacks!

After temperatures in the 60s and 70s for much of last week, cold and rainy weather has arrived in NE Kansas. Snow is possible in central Kansas, while the temperatures here are barely in the 40s, with a moderate wind and rain showers. While this weather is more seasonal than the spring-like pattern we saw last week, it is still a bit of a shock to need long sleeves and a heavy coat.
It will take me a couple of days to get used to the cooler weather. I know that I have not felt warm at all any time today. Right now, I've dressed warmly, have a computer and a cat on my lap, not to mention a blanket and a space heater, and I still feel cool. Now, in another couple of weeks, this won't be a problem; I'll have acclimated to the cold weather. For now, though, it is cold, rainy, and dreary here, more like central Iowa in November rather than Kansas in November.

EDIT (4:30 pm): The latest forecast now shifts the snowfall farther east than before. Less than half an inch is predicted for Topeka at this point, but any shift in the motion of the storm could turn that half inch into several inches. It is definitely going to be an interesting weather day tomorrow.

EDIT #2 (5:25 pm): I misread the official forecast. It appears that 1-2" of snow are now forecast for the Topeka area. I know, however, that last year, the NWS tended to over-predict snow accumulations. So, I'm not convinced that we'll see that much snow. At the same time, I understand the NWS wanting to err on the high side. So, I stand by my initial (unscientific) guess of a 0.5" of snow by Tuesday morning.

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