Sunday, January 18, 2009

Phrase Origin and Prince Caspian Quiz 5

I was pondering the phrase "confirmed bachelor" the other day. No, it's not because I'm afraid that I'm going to become one (at least, not most of the time). Rather, it's just an unusual phrase. Confirmed by whom? Is there a "bachelor confirmation entity?" Does one receive a certificate in the mail? Is there a "marriage confirmation agency?" Who has ever heard of a "confirmed married man?" And a serious question: at what age does one cease to be a single man and become a "confirmed bachelor?" My answer to that last question: at least 55. Maybe older.

Prince Caspian Quiz
9. Which of the four Pevensies first realizes that they have arrived at Cair Paravel?
A. Peter
B. Susan
C. Edmund
D. Lucy

10. When does Trumpkin get captured by Miraz’s men?
A. While defending Caspian in the old forest as Caspian is initially fleeing for his life
B. While fighting against the Telmarines to steal arms from them while the Telmarines are encamped next to the River Beruna
C. He doesn’t
D. When he sneaks through enemy lines to see if the Pevensies have arrived at Cair Paravel in response to Caspian blowing the horn

1 comment:

Mr. Pi Thetahead said...

9. Book: A, Movie: D
10. Book: D; Movie: A